Precinct 6
Town Meeting
(3 year term - pick 8)
Jesse D Arnold
Hi! I've lived in Reading since late 2015 after my family moved here from Maryland where I spent the majority of my life. I just completed a three-year term as TMM in Precinct 7, and I have so enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to serve Reading and my precinct. I am also the secretary of the Bylaws Committee, and the co-leader of a Barrows Daisy Troop. I have loved this opportunity to give back to Reading and hope to continue to do so as a TMM in Precinct 6.
Barry Craig Berman
I've been a town Meeting for about 20 Years. Additionally I have served 4 years on the Select Board and 7 on the Fin Com, two as chair. I have served during good times and lean years. I have provided decisive leadership on the Override, library construction project and the graffiti incidents in town. As the town grapples with the next round of capital projects (Killem, senior center, infrastructure) I will draw on my 20 years experience to provide balanced and thoughtful guidance for the town
Ann Elizabeth Gullotti
No submission as of this time
Daniel R Malone
No submission as of this time
Etain H ODea
I have been on TM since 2015, and have found it an important way to be involved in the town, to learn and to have impact on our direction. I have three kids in three schools and want to be sure that they and all residents are supported while we continue to develop as a town in the present day.
Mary Ellen O’Neill
I would like to continue to be a voice for residents as we develop zoning for increased housing supply and diversity, build a new Killam school, and decide how to provide a more robust setting and services for older residents. I support strong municipal services, from education to public safety to public works. Increased efforts to protect our natural resources and climate are extremely important to me. Thank you for your vote on March 5!
Kerri Perry
No submission as of this time
Anne M Rand
No submission as of this time